Monthly Revision Logs

23, Month of the Rabbit — May I Ask the Time When Spring Breeze Whispers to Warblers <24-Arouse~24-VerEq>

Suddenly I came to realise that recorded here are the changes of the website rather than myself. Let me spare myself then. Someday I’ll come back in a mess!

23, Month of the Tiger — Into the Joy of Spring <24-SpEst~24-Bedew>

The lunisolar new year arrives, while the age counter goes up again for this grown-up…

23, Month of the Ox — Jammed! <23-Cold~23-Freeze>

  • Continue working on the research with gadgets.
  • Participated in a game jam. The work is to be uploaded.

23, Month of the Rat — Snow Falls <23-Snow~23-WnSols>

Tinkering with little devices. Meanwhile…

23, Month of the Pig — Occluded into Winter <23-WnEst~23-Flurry>

A whole year has passed.

All things blocked halfway will find its time to start flowing again!

23, Month of the Dog — Knitting for Dormancy <23-Chill~23-Frost>

In the blink of an eye, autumn has flown away in a panic!

Anyway, I finally started cleaning up around here again. Hope I can keep it up!

23, Month of the Rooster — Autumn’s Tiger and Birds <23-White~23-AutEq>

The little autumn of the geese is running wild.

Occupied with much work and thoughts, I still failed to keep up with the countless, restless threads of thought. Nor did I take the time to pin them down, having a month off diaries. Nevertheless, there are the tales that might well be told in the future!

23, Month of the Monkey — Days, Weeks, Months, Years <23-AuEst~23-Ember>

To become mountains, to become streams, to become the soaring birds that break free from the cages of confinement.

Visited quite a few places, realized quite a few dreams, made quite a few friends. That has been really fantastic.

  • Kiddie’s Escape.
  • The exhibition installation went on well — soon to be elaborated on.

23, Month of the Goat — Fulfilment and Decadence <23-Heat~23-Torrid>

Been away overloaded with work, did not manage to update on time.

23, Month of the Horse — Berry Jam Rainbows <23-Awn~23-SmSols>

Graduation season and conclusion of the term. Rushed through coursework, enjoyed the summer-exclusive clouds and rainbows, went to fascinating places.

23, Month of the Snake — After the Rain Unfolds Summer <23-SmEst~23-Bud>

The season for ice-creams!

23, Month of the Dragon — Spring is Short <23-Clear~23-Soak>

Springtide goes by so quickly here that all of a sudden, the footsteps of summer are around. A big portion of the year has escaped in a daze.

  • A Tangle of Dumplings. I’m filled with more and more nonsensical things and have been writing this for most of the month.
  • GPT Nailed It, episode 6: Cross-Server Chat.
  • Musical Planetarium. Since the previous playlist was quite limited, this page replaces it by random picks. More content to be added next.
  • Emails status page broke a few times recently, and it’s still unclear whether it has been completely fixed…
  • The backlog from last month has not been sorted out, and new things are being made. Trying to get to these next month!

23, Month of the Rabbit — Quick Like a Bunny <23-Arouse~23-VerEq>

The month of the Rabbit in the year of the Rabbit, with all those ideas running quick like bunnies. Did get a lot done too, yay!

  • Candy Girl — Percussion septet cover, an adaptation completed after two years;
  • Emails status page, I worry really a lot that my message wouldn’t reach the destination, so I made this so that at least others do not have to worry!
  • GPT Nailed It, it’s amazing that there are already five episodes! There is still some content in stock for later~
  • Wild Rose’s Lullaby, but I have been absent from all the practices I’m supposed to have done…
  • A Reluctant Daydream, an important wish of mine fulfilled —
  • The About page has a new portrait, by Azalea! So adorable.
  • Added links to all the music elements. I thought it would be enough to put the title and author, but these seemed clickable to me every time I saw them, so I finally updated them to be actually clickable.
  • Something related to coursework and course projects, still being sorted out.

Will still be seeing you next month!

23, Month of the Tiger — Rivers Thawing, Wild Geese Migrating <23-SpEst~23-Bedew>

The migrants come north, the grasses sprout. I’ve also moved to the North, where wondrous things seem to come along with spring.

22, Month of the Ox — Fragments for a Year <22-Cold~22-Freeze>

A month filled with fragments, spent in painting and New Year’s outings.

  • Added two lengthy dumps of daily life. I actually had not envisaged putting up such life-related content here, but it turned out decent!
    • Daily activity records, during which I impulsively tried creating visualisations for music through AI-based transcription, and made a short demonstrative animation.
    • New Year’s outings, a collection of photos and rambling words.
  • Wrote a record of a bumbling Ops experience, Floral Ditties’ Rehousing.
  • Joyful encounters with new friends as well as the acceptance into the XXIIVV webring.

And that’s the end of the year 22 on this site! Looking forward to having more content and more friends in the new year!

22, Month of the Rat — Filling in the Holes <22-Snow~22-WnSols>

This place has been seeing quite a few friends, and it’s time to make the first actual revision log.

Looking back, most of the things I’ve done recently fit the idea of “filling in”. The advent of a Gregorian new year makes a good time to fill in some past regrets!

  • The most important thing is to have finished the percussion ensemble piece Vividness Damped. Seeing friends in the band talking about “doing something big”, I’m looking forward to it!
  • Completed the multilingual content of the website with enormous help from machine translation. The method for Chinese font embedding has been summarised into an article.
  • The game Sheepdogs at Work has a bug in its web version that caused the second level to be unpassable. This has been fixed.

There is not only the Gregorian calendar, nor is there just one New Year. This site, for instance, will stay in the old year for another month according to its calendar. Time is a continuous flow, and an artificially, arbitrarily prescribed ritual does not carry that much meaning with it. But what is important is that such rituals create rare opportunities to send our good wills to the people we care about, which is why they are worth cherishing nevertheless. A Happy New Year to all reading this!

22, Month of the Pig — A Cyber Comfort for Insecurity <22-WnEst~22-Flurry>

Having made my way through a hectic half of the academic term, I finally picked up where I left off months ago and put together a place for all the odds and ends produced throughout the past years.

It’s been a month filled with caprices — the hurries between rehearsals for the art troupe’s competitions, the vicarious traumas from incidents nearby and far away, the spread of panic along with the pandemic, the unavoidable choice of leaving school that almost seemed like an exile — there is an unsettling atmosphere deluging every day, as if we’ve just got out of a dark tunnel only to be thrown on a high wire, wobbling in solitude.

Whenever asked about my hometown, I always get torn between answers of several provinces and resort to joking that I am an unconstrained cosmopolitan. It is true that I am rather nonchalant regarding the material world, but there is always a part of the spirit that gets injected into tangible things and becomes lost in the world with them; the chaos of a reality out of control can never bear the rambling reveries.

I do not yet have a space of concrete to nourish the peace of mind, but am fortunate enough to be able to weave a world in cyberspace with my own hands, a place to stretch out, to escape to and hide in; a place to pick up bits of serenity. I know almost everything about it, and it has witnessed my secrets; I would be heartily delighted if guests who stop here leave with a bit more pleasure or fulfilment.

Wish all who have read this far the ability to find the peacefulness of their own. Will always be pleased to have you here!

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