Wild Rose’s Lullaby
Days spent together with a flower
Wild Rose’s Lullaby | Wild_Rose.ogg(712 KiB, 00:45) |
![A rose in the garden.](/rose/rose0.png)
![A magic hat and an unopened rose under warm-coloured lights.](/rose/rose1.png)
![A rose in a pink water bottle on the windowsill.](/rose/rose2.png)
![A rose placed in a transparent container in a shaded area on the balcony.](/rose/rose3.png)
![A rose in the dormitory, with curtains drawn over the bed and cold medicine on the table.](/rose/rose4.png)
![A rose on the balcony facing the sunlight as well as a tree with pink blossoms outside.](/rose/rose5.png)
![Under the light of a desk lamp late at night, a rose watches a worried girl facing a green cloud.](/rose/rose6.png)
![A rose returned to the balcony bathing in the bright sunshine.](/rose/rose7.png)
![A rose with a slightly drooping head in a shaded spot inside the dormitory.](/rose/rose8.png)
![A girl holding a drooping rose standing on the balcony, looking at the pink flowers.](/rose/rose9a.png)
![A girl burying the fallen rose petals under a tree with lush foliage.](/rose/rose9b.png)
![A photo of a rose held in hand with fallen red petals on the ground in the background.](/rose/rose9c.jpg)
![A rose, having lost the petals, lying horizontally on the ground in front of a standing square stone, surrounded by lush branches.](/rose/rose9d.png)
MuseScore 4 document | Wild_Rose.mscz(23.7 KiB) |
Days spent together with a flower
Wild Rose’s Lullaby | Wild_Rose.ogg(712 KiB, 00:45) |
MuseScore 4 document | Wild_Rose.mscz(23.7 KiB) |