The Host

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Knock knock

Glad to have you here! Some spice will be the perfect touch for a mild afternoon!

Depiction of me rubbing my face with percussion mallets.

There are many ways of calling me, but I’m Ayu here! The picture is painted by my neighbour Azalea~

Believing in the possibilities of a wonderful world, always on the way of inquiries; may I be a nameless light, burning merrily in the darkness, adding a splash of tints to this kaleidoscopic world.

I dip into a mixture of things, majoring in design and computing, while dabbling in music and game development as well as trying to learn to draw. To put them up on this site is more like cherishing my own scruffy broom; but it would truly be a delight to me in case it gets appreciated!

INFP, incorrigibly unrealistic, trying hard to overcome procrastination ; - ;

Recently up to

Preparing for the birthday! <25-SpEst>



Musical Planetarium


  • Celeste — Maddy Makes Games
  • A Short Hike — Adam Robinson-Yu
  • Rhythm Heaven/リズム天国 — Nintendo SPD


  • Nichijou: My Ordinary Life
  • Liz and the Blue Bird
  • The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
  • And lots, lots of individual animations

Individual websites and channels


Vulnerable to all fancy good-looking trinkets; interested in all the diverting souls of the world! (Or charming appearances, I take both)


Loves daydreaming… (stop blaming me, I’m sorry > <)

Knock knock

I do not really post much on social media platforms. For now, I can be reached by e-mail!

Thank you for coming! Have a great time here

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