Chord Analysis of ユキソラ “Snowy Sky”

ユキソラ とあ
This is a song by とあ (Toa), the Vocaloid producer that I appreciate. Most Japanese songs usually will have chord sheets posted on Japanese websites, but this one was more of a special gift from Toa to the Chinese fans, uploaded to YouTube only over a year later and still absent on Niconico to date. I guess this is why the sites do not have the sheets available, so I made one myself. At the time, I was seeing the first snowfall of 2020 at school and planned to post it on my previous blog site, but then thought it would not make much sense to just post a chord sheet and shelved it.
Since then, to be honest, I’ve been looking back at this and wondering whether I should post it every time I see a snowfall. Today was my first encounter with the snow in 2023, so I’ll take the opportunity to quietly put it up without much thought about mistakes. I especially like the use of augmented triads of the raised fifth degree.
[Update: a pass of proofreading revealed a lot of problems, which indicates that I’ve made progress (considerate wording).]