Under Sunshine

Story of a vampire and her untouchable beloved; platformer game

Cover art of the game; a vampire in a black cloak sitting under the shadows, gazing at the sunlight in the city buildings far away.

Entry of the team “Risk of Rain” to the 2019 CiGA Game Jam.

A story of a vampire and her untouchable beloved. Technically it is indeed a girls’ love game.

As people run towards their ideals, will something beyond their imagination be quietly going on, on the other side of the world?

Video🎞UnderSunshine_trailer.mp4(895 KiB, 00:30, 640x400)

A teamed game jam with the Future ACG Group. The game engine has become a bit dated and the version produced for the jam has not been kept, so only the video and the repository have been put up.

Having travelled through the rain to the venue, we didn’t wait long before the theme was revealed — this cartoon.

We then decided to take a taxi back to school. Everyone pondered a lot in the cars but none of us had a complete idea. At one point we even considered quitting, and it was only until the following morning that we settled on a narrative — the reclusive vampire vulnerable to sunlight, and her helplessness facing the demolition of her crumbling residence for the construction of a park.

Then, for some reason, I was assigned the role of puzzle design, which put me in a flustered mood. To my relief, there was a teammate Haoyuan doing it together with me. By the night of the second day (with more than half of a day left for the jam) I was already wandering with boredom in our studio. Is this the life of a designer who exploit labour…?

Rounding off, I was still a programming member. I do not recall the reason for the masks despite there not being an actual photo.

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